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Istanbul Medipol University | IMU

Istanbul Medipol University is a private institution of higher learning in Istanbul, Turkey (Turkish:stanbul Medipol Üniversitesi).

Turkey Education Health and Research Foundation established it in 2009. Fahrettin Koca, the current Turkish Minister of Health, established the foundation.

12 faculties, 5 institutes, and 4 vocational colleges make up the university. There are now 37.051 enrolled students at the university.

There are 22.526 undergraduate students and 1.766 graduate students in total. 12.759 students are enrolled in associate degree programs. And there are 2.854 international students.

There are 2.309 administrative staff members and 1.213 academics that teach at the university.

Faculties and schools of  Istanbul Medipol University | IMU  

Faculty of Dentistry

Faculty of Pharmacy

Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture

Faculty of Education

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Business and Management Sciences

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Faculty of Communication

Faculty of Health Sciences

Medical School

International Faculty of Medicine

Vocational Schools at Istanbul Medipol University | IMU

Vocational School of Justice

IMU Vocational School

Vocational School Of Health Services

Vocational School Of Social Sciences2

Istanbul Medipol University | IMU  for international students

The Kavack and Golden Horn rivers run through the center of Istanbul, where Medipol is located.

This location is surrounded by the ruins of numerous historical civilizations and is where the two continents of Asia and Europe converge.

Since its founding, Istanbul Medipol University | IMU has been steadfastly committed to developing an international educational environment.

Discover MEDPOL, a location unlike any other you have been to. The Kavack and Golden Horn rivers run through the center of Istanbul, where Medipol is located.

This location is surrounded by the ruins of numerous historical civilizations and is where the two continents of Asia and Europe converge.

Since its founding, Istanbul Medipol University | IMU has been steadfastly committed to developing an international educational environment.

Istanbul Medipol University | IMU admitted roughly 7% of our undergraduate students from different nations throughout our first year of teaching.

Istanbul Medipol University | IMU  application procedure is extensive and gives careful consideration to the applicants’ history and potential contributions to our academic community.

Currently, Medipol University focuses its programs mostly on the legal and medical fields.

Before applying, prospective students are encouraged to tour the campus and speak with our students and academic staff.

International Student Admission at Istanbul Medipol University | IMU

Admission to any program at Istanbul Medipol University requires high school graduation or its equivalent.

The evaluation of all the credentials submitted by a candidate forms the basis for admission.

The Admissions Committee considers each applicant’s qualifications and ability in addition to their academic history.

Regardless of citizenship or country of residence, the application process is the same for all foreign applicants.

Once all required paperwork has been submitted, including the application form, photo, transcript, diploma, and test results, the application will be reviewed.

IB test scores and SAT Reasoning Test (SAT1) scores are strongly advised but not necessary for admission.

Such details will help with the evaluation procedure. However, applicants who opt out of the SAT or IB exams will not face any disadvantages in the admissions process.

Applicants who have demonstrated their eligibility for admission but have not yet turned in official records, test results, or other necessary materials may be given a provisional acceptance.

Language of Instruction in  Istanbul Medipol University | IMU  

Turkish and English proficiency is required for admission to various undergraduate programs at Istanbul Medipol University.

Only those candidates whose applications have been provisionally accepted and who have met all other admission requirements will have their Turkish language skills assessed.

TMER certification as evidence of candidates’ language proficiency is strongly advised, however it is not a requirement.

Candidates will be required to take a Turkish proficiency test at Medipol University prior to or at the time of registration if a TMER certificate is not available.

Candidates whose test results fall short of the standards may be accepted into an intensive Turkish program (ITP) for a minimum of two semesters.

Students will be admitted to the initial program after successfully completing this program.

The English Preparatory Program at  Istanbul Medipol University | IMU  

In Medipol, both Turkish and English are used for instruction. In the fields of medicine, dentistry, and law, at least 30% of the instruction is given in English.

Additionally, English is used as the primary language of instruction at the schools of engineering, natural sciences, and international medicine.

The International School of Medicine, School of Dentistry (English), School of Business and Management Sciences (Management, Economics and Finance, and International Trade and Finance), School of Humanities and Social Sciences (Psychology, Political Science, and International Relations), School of Fine Arts Design and Architecture (Architecture), and School of Natural Sciences and Engineering (all of which are taught in English), and School of Dentistry (English) are all taught entirely in English.

Turkish is the language of instruction for our other programs. Before starting their education in these programs, students must demonstrate sufficient English proficiency upon enrollment.

Students who don’t yet have the necessary level of English proficiency must enroll in and finish an intensive English program.

Istanbul Medipol University | IMU specialist English education preparatory program offers students the chance to study the language intensively for at least two semesters.

The lessons are divided into two levels to meet the needs of our students: pre-intermediate and elementary (A1 according to EU standards) (A2; according to the EU standards).

Candidates who attended high school in an English-speaking nation or who can show documentation of a TOEFL score or results from another approved English proficiency test that is similar are automatically considered for the regular program.

For applicants who did not complete high school in English, an English proficiency exam will be conducted at Medipol University prior to registration if test results are not available.

How do I apply to  Istanbul Medipol University | IMU  step by step


Go to admission in Turkey page on Admissionex .com and submit all the required documents. After applying you’ll recive your pincode by email.


After your application is positively evaluated, you will receive a conditional letter via e-mail.


Pay the deposit money to University’s  accounts which is mentioned in the conditional acceptance letter. Don’t forget to put your pincode in the payment description.


After paying the deposit, you will receive an Official Acceptance Letter with the description of farther registration steps on your e-mail.


Prepare the original hard copies of your documents and come to istanbul to the main campus to complete your registration. if you don’t have any acceptable English score you will be informed about the nearest English Exams after your registration


After completing your enrollment, visit International Students Office and apply for student residence permit.

Admission for İnternational Students for Undergraduate Programs

A completed application form

Notarized translation of High School Graduation Certificate from the Turkish Embassy or Consulate in candidate’s home country

Notarized translation of the transcript certificate from the Turkish Embassy or Consulate in the candidate’s home country.

Original copy of the test result report approved by the Turkish Embassy or Consulate in the candidate’s home country. Example: SAT DI: 7226

High School Graduation Equivalency Certificate, which shows that the certificate is equivalent to high school diplomas issued in Turkey, from Turkey Embassy or Consulate in the candidate’s home county.

A copy of the personal details page of the passport approved by the Turkish Embassy or Consulate in the candidate’s home country.

A student visa obtained from the Turkish Embassy.

Candidates applying to the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry are required to prove their English proficiency. For example, TOEFL DI: 3619

Turkish Proficiency Certificate from IMU Turkish Proficiency Exam or TOMER.

Permanent residence card to submit to IMU student affairs within one month after enrolment.

Four passport photographs.

A bank receipt showing the payment of tuition (the whole or a part of)

A document proving that the applicant was financially sponsored during education.

Student information form (to be completed at the time of registration).

Acceptable Examinations and Minimum Eligibity Scores for Application to Undergraduate Programs

The exam result of YÖS – Entrance Exam for International Students is set by some universities in Turkish Higher Education- should be at least 60 out of 100

High school grade point average (GPA) should be at least 60 out of 100

SAT I  total minimum score of 1000

GCE (General Certificate Education) Minimum 3 “A Level” on subjects at least one of which relevant to the program applied for

In the ACT (American College Test) exam; for School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy at least 22, and for the other universities at least  20

For the Tawjihi exam which happens in Jordan and Palestine Minimum 70 (average) from each courses in Science Stream of Tevcih (Tawjihi)

For Baccalaureate Libanais in Science Stream Baccalaureate with a minimum grade of 15 out of 20

For who has International  Baccalaureate minimum diploma grade of 30

Abitur Diploma grade minimum 4

French Baccalaureate with a minimum grade of 12 out of 20

For Al-Shahada-Al Thanawiyya (Baccalaureate) 180 out of  240 in the exam component relevant to the applicant’s chosen program in Scientific Stream, 170 out of  240 in Social Stream

Diploma Debirestan and Pişdaneşgahi minimum grade of 15 out of 20

Kazakhstan National University Test Exam minimum score of 90 out of 120

Al-Shahada-Al-Thanawiyya in Libya minimum score of 180 out of 240

Ujian Nasional (UNA) or (UN) in Indonesia minimum score is 60.

Evaluation and Announcement of Results Evaluation

Applications are evaluated by the commission of at least 3 people in Istanbul Medipol University | IMU which will be formed by the management of related academic unit.

2) The evaluation of applications and ranking of the candidates for admission is at discretion of İstanbul Medipol University. The İstanbul Medipol University is free to decide whether or not to fill our vacancies.

3) Meeting the application criteria does not guarantee admission to the programs.

Announcement of Results and Registration

The announcement of results and registration process as well as necessary information will be sent to candidates’ e-mail addresses which have been already written on their application form.

After the evaluation, students accepted for studies at İstanbul Medipol University will receive ‘Letter of Acceptance’ to their address by mail The students are required to acquire ‘Student Visa’ from the nearest Turkish Embassy/Consulate with this acceptance.

Required Documents for Application for Post Graduate Programs

Diploma and Graduate Certificate:

Bachelor’s Degree or a Master’s Degree should be provided by the candidates who want to apply. (The Equivalency Certificate for the candidates who have graduated from a University/Higher Education Institution in Foreign Countries)

Official Transcript:

Those whose grading system is different from 100 point grading system are required to provide a document in which its equivalency is written in terms of 100 point grading system. If not, the table belonging to Council of Higher Education will be used as a base.

ALES Score:

It is generally requested as 55 in order to apply for the program. However, this score can change according to the program to be applied.

GRE Score:

The international student candidates need to acquire GRE score result miminum 149 and above.

Proof of English Proficiency:

(TOEFL-IBT, YDS and its equivalency): It is generally required as 66 from TOEFL-IBT for PhD candidates.  A total score of at least 55 from ÜDS, YDS or KPDS is also accepted for Turkish citizens.

Copy of your Passport.

For International Candidates Determined as their translation and notarized versions; the candidates are required to install their Graduation Certificates, transcripts and other required documents to the system.

The candidates who are officially accepted by Medipol have to provide documents by notarized version.

TÖMER Certificate:

Except for the programs instructed in totally English; the candidates who have been accepted to other programs have to provide proof of Turkish proficiency.

A photocopy of the passport including the candidates’ personal information. These documents should be provided by international student candidates.

It is highly recommended to read the explanation of each document. Each program may have its own requirements. Based on this, you are recommended to contact with advisor of the related academic programs in order to get more information.

The requirements for official registration process

Documents Required For Registration

High School Certificate notary certified translation from Turkish Embassy or Consulate in their countries.

Official transcript notary certified translation from Turkish Embassy or Consulate in their countries.

Original copy of the examination result document approved by Turkish Embassy or Consulate in their countries, (SAT Dİ:7226)

Equivalency Certificate taken from Turkish Embassy or Consulate in their countries indicating that high school diploma is equivalent to the diplomas of Turkish high schools,

Copy of passport’s page showing identity information and validity, approved by Turkish Embassy or Consulate in their countries,

Student Visa to be obtained from Turkish Embassy in their countries.

The candidate who apply faculty of medicine and dentistry if available prove their English proficiency. (TOEFL Dİ:3619)

The document showing the success of İstanbul Medipol University Turkish proficiency exam or submit a Turkish Proficiency Exam Score from TÖMER.

Permanent Residence (İn the one month of registration date should submit to Student Affairs Office)

4 passport photos

Bank receipt proving that the entirely or partially tuition fee was paid.

A document stating that the applicant has the financial guarantee.

Student information form (will fill in the registration)

Financial Guarantee:

The applicants who are admitted to our University have to prove that they have financial guarantee for the tuition fee to be paid to the University and for maintaining their lives in Turkey during their education period.

The campuses of  Istanbul Medipol University | IMU  

Kavacık North Campus

The Administrative Rectorate building, the Language School, and the Vocational Schools are all located on the North Campus.

The campus is also home to a multitude of amenities, such as a gym, dining halls, dormitories, libraries, study spaces, car parks, a medical facility, counseling services, and a REMER Research Center.

Kavacık South Campus

The South Campus houses the Schools of Medicine, International School of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Medipol Business School, School of Education, School of Communication, Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, School of Health Sciences, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Vocational Schools, Graduate School of Forensic Sciences, Graduate School of Engine Aside from that, the campus is home to a variety of amenities, such as conference rooms, cultural-art buildings, a library, dining halls, a retail mall, a hair salon, coffee shops, dormitories, restaurants, research institutes, and labs, among others.

Haliç College

The Haliç (Golden Horn) Campus is situated on a peninsula next to Haliç, one of Istanbul’s oldest neighborhoods and the spot where the Unkapan Bridge meets the ground.

The College of Health Sciences and Vocational Schools is located on the campus. The campus features a number of facilities as well.

Complex of Medipol Mega Hospitals

The largest private medical investment in Turkey, Medipol Mega Hospitals Complex, is a medical complex with four distinct sections in addition to being a university hospital.

It is notable for having the most hospitals in Turkey, including General Training Hospital, Oncology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, and Dental Hospital, among its branches. Students from the Vocational School of Health Service, which has multiple areas of specialization, as well as those in the undergraduate departments of Medicine, Dentistry, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Nursery, and Healthcare Management receive their training in this facility.

Additionally, Specialty in Medicine training is being conducted at our hospital’s incredibly well-equipped clinics.

IMU English Preparatory Program

Students whose English proficiency is insufficient to pursue their courses offered in this language can receive English instruction through the IMU English Preparatory Program.

Additionally, it offers all departments’ required professional foreign language classes.

The IMU English Preparatory Program employs knowledgeable and experienced staff from Turkey and beyond.

The team of the IMU English Program is committed to bringing all students to an appropriate level of Professional English proficiency, in accordance with the worldwide standards.

They rely on cutting-edge information and communication technology as well as sophisticated plans and planning.

The English Program was designed with the knowledge and abilities that students need to learn in order to succeed in their studies and careers in mind.

Students who enroll in the English Preparatory education program learn how to access and apply information, express themselves both orally and in writing, and comprehend and use academic English.

Students who successfully finish the preparatory year are able to follow English lessons and the literature in their particular professions without experiencing any difficulties.

Additionally, the English Program t Istanbul Medipol University | IMU offers summer courses that are open to both Preparatory Program students who failed to satisfy the requirements during the academic year and students from other departments who wish to advance their English language proficiency.

The preparation program at Istanbul Medipol University administers a significant number of exams with severity, forcing both the professors and the students to improve their English proficiency.

Students who successfully complete the Istanbul Medipol University | IMU  preparatory program and have an average score of at least 70 out of 100 receive an official certificate attesting to their background and allowing them to continue their studies in their respective departments without encountering any language barriers.

More information about  Istanbul Medipol University | IMU  

The mission of  Istanbul Medipol University | IMU  

With the education it provides and the difference it makes, Istanbul Medipol University adopts the principle to produce people with long-lasting high qualifications, a focus on the creation of science and technology, and the ability to respond to the constantly changing demands of the society.

It also takes it upon itself to contribute to both the advancement of science and the well-being of society.

The vision of  Istanbul Medipol University | IMU  

to become a leading institution of higher learning with a consistent dynamic, a strong organizational culture, and an entrepreneurial spirit.

Frequently asked questions about Istanbul Medipol University | IMU

Does  Istanbul Medipol University | IMU  provide dormitories or accommodation?

There is no dormitory of our university allocated to our students in the campus of our university in Unkapanı.

However, Fatih and its surroundings, where our campus is located, is a region where universities and private and state dormitories are concentrated. In addition, due to its location, it is easy to reach many centers of Istanbul, students’ guesthouses, guesthouses, etc. provides access to services.

During the promotion and registration periods, a document about private and state dormitories, guesthouses and guesthouses around the university is given to our students and parents.

Is Istanbul Medipol a good university?

İstanbul Medipol University is one of the top private universities in Istanbul, Turkey. It is ranked #351-400 in EECA University Rankings 2022.

Does Medipol University teach in English?

The language of instruction is both Turkish and English in Medipol. Minimally 30% of the instructing language is English in Medicine, Dentistry and Law.

Is Medipol University internationally recognized?

Being accredited by Pearson shows that the Istanbul Medipol University Preparatory Program complies with international quality standards and provides an important assurance for the quality of education for our students.

Is Istanbul Medipol university accredited?

Istanbul Medipol University aims to accredit all of its programs. In the direction of this aim, the University has completed the accreditation of 22 out of 74 of its undergraduate programs. The ratio of accredited undergraduate programs is 29.7% as of June 2020.

Is Medipol University accredited in USA?

Istanbul Medipol University School of Medicine, which was accredited by the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Medical Education Programs (TEPDAD) recently, has also provided confidence in the USA with this agreement.

Does Medipol University require SAT?

The application will be evaluated when all documents (application form, photograph, transcript, diploma, test scores and reference letter) are received. SAT Reasoning Test, SAT Subject Tests and IB examination scores are strongly recommended but not required for admission.

How do I apply to Medipol?


First, you need to apply online at or send the documents to the following email [email protected].

High School Diploma or Certificate.

Transcript Certificate.

Passport Photo.

Copy of the personal page of the passport.

What is the rank for Medipol University?

Scimago University Ranking: Medipol ranked 734 out of 3471 universities (world), and 20 out of 112 universities (Turkey) in the 2020 rankings.